Here's how our work has positively impacted individuals, families, and the community.

Pre-teen Client Letter
More than a therapist, Jen has become part of the family. Without her we wouldn't be where we are today.
Parent of Client
Jen is the founder of The Paper Thoughts Program. Paper Thoughts works to help kids find their voice on paper; providing them with the tools to express themselves in a way that is safe, effective, and healing. We collect journals, notebooks, and sketchbooks as well as donations to purchase these items to distribute to kids who might not otherwise have access to them. We've provided over 100 journals to local children. Included with each journal are resources on how to use it to optimize personal growth, and self expression as well as places for kids to reach out to if they are struggling.
"Jen is the first person who really understood what my family is like and what we struggle with on a daily basis. This is the first time I've felt hopeful in a very long time"

Teen Client Letter

Teen Client Art
"You will help others wherever you go."
Adult Client

Jen is a founding member and former board member of VoicesUnited4Change. VU4C's mission is o provide support, knowledge and resources to meet the social, emotional, behavioral and educational needs of families, youth and young adults in Orange County, New York in the most respectful, family-driven, youth-guided, and culturally competent way.